The Leadership Lessons of Howard Stern:

How the King of All Media Can Make Us Better Leaders

By Michael Kublin

Michael Kublin

5.0 [5.00 Rating]

Michael W. Kublin is the founder and President of PeopleTek, a leadership coaching and development company specializing in helping leaders, teams, and organizations learn, grow, and transform their talent. PeopleTek’s vision is to create world-wide individual, team and organizational excellence; attendees learn new concepts for becoming a more effective communicator, for managing conflict, and for becoming more self-aware, resulting in the ability to build stronger, lasting business relationships.


Discover Book

Get rid of half the words on each page, then get rid of half of what’s left.
If you can’t make something self-evident, you at least need to make it self-explanatory.
Usability is about people and how they understand and use things, not about technology.
Your primary role should be to share what you know, not to tell people how things should be done.


This book really teaches you how to be a team player. Everyone should read it.

Fatima Mahmoud

Project Manager

I really don’t know much about or follow Howard Stern but the book has some great leadership stories and insights. Leadership, and life, can be difficult when you’re out of balance. The value the book provides is a discussion on strengths, needs, a compass and magic dust. Things that are tools and guides for awareness and achievement of balance.

Mohamoud Arafa

Project Manager

Mike Kublin orchestrated an interesting pairing of leadership with Howard Stern radio show. First it shows linkages I certainly unimaginable, but secondly, Mike demonstrates the how of leadership using an improbable person. Great read

Fatima Mahmoud

Project Manager

I felt like the author was my friend and mentor who was trying to help me become a better leader. Well written and easy to follow. I was a bit skeptical about the correlation between Howard Stern and Leadership at first. Mike Kublin nailed it and gave great examples of Howard and his skills!!!! I highly recommend this book to anyone striving to improve their leadership skills.

Fatima Mahmoud

Project Manager

Explore My Other Books


Explore My Other Books

12 Steps For Courageous Leadership: Start your Journey now!

By Michael Kublin

Leadership Insights: Tips to Learn, Grow, and Transform

By Michael Kublin

Peopletek's Leadership Journey I: Driving Results Through Self Discovery

By Michael Kublin

The Leadership Lessons of Howard Stern: How the King of All Media Can Make Us Better Leaders

By Michael Kublin

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