About the Author
About Michael Kublin
to the coaching, development and tools they need to be successful.

We believe that World Class Relationships = World Class Leadership. PeopleTek offers the only accredited Business Relationship credential to Leadership Journey graduates. I received my undergraduate degree from the University of Florida and my MBA from Nova Southeastern University. I’m the author of The Leadership Lessons of Howard Stern, 12 Steps for Courageous Leadership, The Leadership Journey I A Process for Self- Aware Leaders, and Leadership Journey II – Moving Beyond The Barriers, and Leadership
Insights, a book to help leaders learn, grow and transform. I am a Master Certified Coach through the MEECO Institute, a member of the Society of Human Resource Management, and the ACEC Association of Corporate Executive Coaches.
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Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.

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Fatima Mahmoud
Project Manager
Lorem ipsum that packs a punch. For a new twist on an old classic, drop some Samuel L. Jackson filler text in your next project and Pulp Fictionize that shit.
Mohamoud Arafa
Project Manager
Lorem ipsum that packs a punch. For a new twist on an old classic, drop some Samuel L. Jackson filler text in your next project and Pulp Fictionize that shit.
Fatima Mahmoud
Project Manager
Lorem ipsum that packs a punch. For a new twist on an old classic, drop some Samuel L. Jackson filler text in your next project and Pulp Fictionize that shit.
Fatima Mahmoud
Project Manager
Lorem ipsum that packs a punch. For a new twist on an old classic, drop some Samuel L. Jackson filler text in your next project and Pulp Fictionize that shit.
Mohamoud Arafa
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